jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

20 Shortcuts esenciales para tu PC

20 essential PC shortcuts

20 Shortcuts esenciales para tu PC

Todos sabemos que en windows hay muchas maneras de hacer una misma cosa, osea por ejemplo para copiar alguna palabra no vamos a Edicion>Copiar  simplemente oprimimos en el teclado  Ctrl + C  y para pegarlo un Ctrl + V . Todos tenemos nuestros Shortcuts favoritos, Un Shortcut es la combinacion de dos o mas teclas ejecutan una accion al ser oprimidas al mismo tiempo

Yo prefiero usar los shorcuts para ahorrarme tiempo , aqui les pongo 20 shortcuts que nos ahorran un monton de tiempo . Muchos no los conoces aun que deberias


Comenzando con los basicos

Copiar un elemento seleccionado Ctrl +C

Cortar un elemento seleccionado Ctrl+X

Pegar un elemento selccionado Ctrl+V

Deshacer una accion Ctrl+Z

Seleccionar todo Ctrl+A

imprimir Ctrl+P


Trabajando con Ventanas Abiertas

Posiblemente tu utilizas tu PC para hacer un monton de tareas a la ves. Estos shortcuts te va facilitar pasar de una aplicacion a otra

  • Minimize la ventana
    Windows logo key Windows logo key + Down Arrow
    Minimizing a window is a surefire way to see what's underneath it. And it's fast to use the shortcut. If the window is maximized already (covering the entire screen) it'll go to “normal” size. And if it's normal size, it'll minimize entirely.

  • Maximize la ventana
    Windows logo key Windows logo key + Up Arrow
    Maximizing windows works the same way.

  • Switch entre ventanas abiertas
    ALT + Tab
    If you have lots of open windows and you're not sure exactly which one you need, press ALT + Tab, and get a quick thumbnail view of all open windows.
    . Luego, mientras mantienes precionado la tecla ALT , presiona varias veces la tecla Tab para que avances entre ventanas y detente en la que tu quieres

  • Thumbnail view of open windows

  • Mostrar el Escritorio
    Windows logo key Windows logo key + D
    Esa este Shortcut cuando tengas muchas ventanas maximizadas y quieras minimizar todas a la vez

    Screenshot of cluttered desktop

    Screenshot of clean desktop

Get even funkier with window management

It may surprise you to learn that there are even more options when it comes to dealing with your open windows and programs—but there are.

  • Multitask with multiple monitors
    Windows logo key Windows logo key + Shift + Left Arrow or Right Arrow
    Do you use more than one monitor at a time? Now you can shift an open window to your other monitor in less than a second.

  • Make Snap a snap.
    Windows logo key Windows logo key + Arrow
    If you haven't checked out Snap, you're missing out. It's the perfect way to compare two documents side by side. Use the shortcut for Snap to make it snappier.
    While pressing the Windows logo key, click the right or left arrow to snap your document to one side.
    Select another document, and do the same thing to compare them side by side.
    Compare windows side by side

Manage tasks

You're probably more than familiar with the Ctrl+Alt+Delete shortcut to manage tasks. But did you know that there are shortcuts for performing some of those tasks directly?

  • Open Task Manager
    Ctrl + Shift + Escape
    This simple shortcut whisks you straight to Task Manager—without any intermediary steps.
    Shortcut to Task Manager

  • Lock your PC or switch users
    Windows logo key Windows logo key + L
    This simple shortcut locks your PC with a single click and instantly displays the log in screen.

Work with items on the taskbar

The Windows 7 taskbar is big, flexible, and feature rich. You can use shortcuts to make working with it even easier.

  • Open a new instance of a program
    Shift + Click a taskbar icon
    I like Internet Explorer tabs—but sometimes it's easier to launch a new browser. It's simple: just click the Internet Explorer icon while holding down Shift.

  • Toggle between documents
    Ctrl + Click a taskbar icon
    Let's say you have five open Word documents. You can click on the Word icon in the taskbar to view thumbnails of each. And if you press Ctrl before you click on the icon, you can scroll through each one fully.

Display your way

No matter how you want to view your PC, shortcuts help you get there faster.

  • Choose a presentation display mode
    Windows logo key Windows logo key + P
    Whether you're giving a presentation or are using multiple monitors, it's simple to switch settings.
    Choose a presentation display mode

  • Zoom in, zoom out
    Windows logo key Windows logo key + +/ Windows logo key Windows logo key + -
    This lets you zoom in to better see small text on a Web page or to check out the pixels on a photo.
    Use shortcuts to zoom in and zoom out

Y cuando necesites ayuda de algo

F1. Este es el shortcut mas simple que hay .Cuando todo lo demas falle , y no estas seguro de lo que hay que hacer , Preciosan F1.

Mira la lista completa de Shortcuts  View the complete list.


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